Municipal Separate Stormwater System/MS4
Dallas Area Municipal Authority Pollutant Reduction Plan
The Dallas Area Municipal Authority (DAMA), which includes Dallas Borough, Dallas Township, and Kingston Township, has revised its Pollution Reduction Plan (PRP) for waters impaired for nutrients and sediment as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A copy of the revised PRP is in a download below this article, or contact the Dallas Township or DAMA municipal offices for access to a physical copy. Comments and/or questions regarding the PRP should be in the form of a public meeting comment or via a written letter addressed to the DAMA office at 101 Memorial Highway, Shavertown, PA 18708. Comment will be received for 45 days following the advertisement of this notice.
Useful Information:
Stormwater Management in Dallas Township Important Documents:
Dallas Township MS4 Annual Reports to DEP
Upper Toby Creek Coldwater Conservation Plan 2021
Dallas Township supports PA Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
For more information on MS4 see the links below