Public Board PENN Dot Study
PENN Dot Proposes Back Mountain SR 309 Traffic Signal Improvement Project.
PENN Dot Proposes Back Mountain SR 309 Traffic Signal Improvement Project.
Chairman Supervisor Frank Wagner’s last regularly scheduled Supervisors meeting was on Tuesday December 3rd. Vice Chairman Bill Grant and Supervisor Robert Wagner presented a certificate of service from the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) in recognition of 51 years of service to the Township. We thank Frank for his selfless dedication to our community and local government, and your leadership, commitment, and passion for serving your fellow citizens. We wish you a happy retirement.
Nancy Balutis, the Dallas Township Secretary Treasurer, has retired after 19 years of outstanding service to the Township. In her time with the Township Nancy worked with and helped improve day to day operations with the Administration, Police and Road Departments along with zoning, planning, code enforcement and the tax collector. Nancy will be missed and we wish her a happy retirement.
-Dallas Township Board of Supervisors